Monday, April 03, 2006

Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete this Thursday!

Just a reminder that we will be celebrating the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete this Thursday, so come prepared to stand! And to repent at great length, since the Great Canon essentially takes the Pauline principle of considering ourselves the "chief of sinners" and applies it to the whole of the Scriptures, Old Testament and New!

I've often thought of writing a book about my year in Japan entitled, Learning to Bow. The sequel would be my journey to Orthodoxy, which would be entitled, Learning to Stand!

Out of deference to our hosts and to our bodies, there will be no Bible study after the service this Thursday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fr Justin, I realllly wish I could attend the Canon on Thursday, but I have my last Religious Studies class that night. Nevertheless, I will be there in spirit, praying for you all :)