Saturday, June 23, 2007

Great Vespers at 6pm

We've announced this in church, but just to make sure everyone knows about it, Great Vespers on Saturday evenings will be held at 6pm from now on (rather than 7pm), which will hopefully make it a bit easier for parents with young children to come out to this important first service of the Lord's Day.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Little Compline at St. John's House Tonight

Little Compline will be held at St. John's House tonight (June 21st), and the Vespers and Litya next Thursday (June 28th) will also be held at St. John's House (1967 Napier Street).

Friday, June 15, 2007

Wishes and Thanks

I have been repeatedly asked to post a list of things that our little mission needs and/or would like to have. Before I finally post such a list I need to do two things: 1) ask forgiveness of all those who asked me so long ago and so repeatedly to post such a list, and 2) post thanks for all that has already been given to us so generously. In the thanks list, I won't list who has given what, as I don't wish to deprive anyone of their heavenly reward, but do know that we remember who you are and are very grateful for what you have given us - and, more significantly, God remembers!

Thanks for...

gospel book
hand cross
chalice set with spoon, spear, and covers
icon stands
icons - and mounting of icons
candle box
seven-branch lampstand (though we still have to retrieve this!)
priest's vestments
lots and lots of cleaning!

Wish List

vestments for altar and analogion (measurements to be provided here soon)
altar candlesticks
processional fans and cross

(and, for St. John's House:
cordless phone
answering machine
more cleaning!)

I should also note that both lists are still very incomplete, and will be updated here as more comes to mind!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Mini-Work Party this Saturday

Since there's still quite a bit of work to do on St. John's house, we've scheduled a mini-work party for 1pm this Saturday. We'll be focusing on tidying up some of the basement this time. If this is something you'd like to come and help out with, please feel free to come out and help!

Friday, June 01, 2007


I've received a few requests for pictures of St. John's Saturday work party and first Sunday liturgy. While there are quite a few up on our Facebook group, not everyone has a Facebook account (and some are not there, but are in Gregory's Facebook photo album), so I've made a few of the best ones available on our site.