Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Day service cancelled. Please pray for Jensina!

Our celebration of our Lord's circumcision, scheduled for New Year's Day, will be cancelled - or at least significantly curtailed. My daughter, Jensina, has been sick since Sunday afternoon - nothing too serious we hope, but she's been throwing up and has a bit of a fever, so I feel I should stay home with her and help Matushka look after her and the rest of the family. Please keep her in your prayers. Brother Cyprian did say, before we left on Sunday, that if the service was to be cancelled, he would still be there and would serve Typika (a very short adaptation of the Liturgy to be served without a priest and without the eucharist) to commemorate the feast, so if you do happen to show up at St. John's on Tuesday morning, feel free to join him! Unless anything more serious develops, I should be back in Vancouver for Little Compline on Thursday.

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