Saturday, July 28, 2007

New Friends of St. John E-mail List (and new thanks, wishes, and phone number)

Just a quick note to let everyone know that the address for the Friends of St. John of Shanghai Orthodox Mission e-mail list has changed. The list is now hosted on the St. John of Shanghai domain, so the list address has changed from stjohn{at} to friends{at} (replace "{at}" with "@"). If anyone wants to join the (low-volume) list, please drop me (Fr. Justin) a note at frjustin{at}

Also, while I'm thinking about it, I should mention that many thanks are due to Fr. Michael Fourik and Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church, from whom we received a number of icons and two much-needed analogia (I'm assuming that is the proper pluralization of analogion). That means that I should add analogion vestments to our wish list. And if anyone happens to have an extra microwave, lawnmower, cordless phone, answering machine, or bed that is not needed and is in good condition, any or all of those would be much appreciated at St. John's House!

Finally, I should mention that St. John's has a new phone number. We're not used to answering the phone yet, but we should now be reachable at 778-737-5646 - or the more memorable 778-737-JOHN.

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